Written by Sia Sin Wei
After sending off the year of the Monkey and welcoming the year of the Dog, we were delighted to host Leif Cocks, Arif Setiawan, Helene Birot...
By: Benjamin Chew
Earth Day has just passed by in a flash, leaving many intently anticipating the next green event. Well fret not, for May and June are just around the...
[caption id="attachment_19380" align="alignnone" width="683"] Millions of plastic straws pollute our ocean where endangered animals like sea turtles can choke on them. The average American eats out four times a week...
Amy Woolloff
24th March 2018
In the time it takes you to read this article, at least a million plastic bottles will have been thrown away. Only 70,000 of those bottles will...
“It’s a beautiful day to save lives” - Grey’s Anatomy
In this volunteer feature, Sabrina Jabbar, will be sharing with us her experiences with JGIS and her work.
A brief introduction...
The Jane Goodall Institute (Singapore) or JGIS is looking for a full-time manager to help build strategic partnerships with donors and raise brand awareness of the organization in Singapore. Over...
The Raffles’ banded langurs (Presbytis femoralis femoralis) are extremely shy. Hence, a good day in the field is when our primatologists are able to see and follow these tree-dwelling primates....
Hi everyone,
I hope this email finds you well and winding down for the year. What a year it has been for JGIS!
The highlight would obviously be Dr Jane’s visit in...
Despite having three species of non-human primates in Singapore, most people are only familiar with the long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis). The small and nocturnal Sunda slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) and...
Listening to Dr. Jane made me aware that while my life is peaceful, many people are suffering, particularly the refuges that are fleeing from warzones. There needs to be lot...
It was a wet Sunday afternoon as our counterparts from across the CauseWay graced our UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Heritage Site by giving a public talk...